Vanessa is an Industrial 2024 graduate and you may have seen her on the field at halftime, she is a flute player in the Industrial Golden Cobra Band and they have been doing AMAZING at their marching contests this fall!
As mentioned in Rachel's blog, I remember Vanessa in kindergarten when I long-term substituted her sisters class. I still can't believe how fast time has flown as it truly does seem like yesterday they were lining up in the elementary halls to come into their classes each morning!
We had a lot of fun on this session, popping one girl in for their individual shots and then popping in the other, then getting shots of them together (you'll see a few of their shots together in this blog). I couldn't have asked for a more smooth-sailing session!
Vanessa's choice of outfit colors also went well with the locations we chose. I can't pick a favorite! We had an AMAZING sunset at the end!
Thank you Lange family for allowing me to spend time with your family!
Hair/Makeup Artist: Cynful Makeup