Eighth Grade: The Turning Point
Eighth Grade- A Year of Growth
Why did we decide to be the first to offer 8th grade experiences in the crossroads area?
This is something that has been on my mind for a couple years or more- oh Junior High! Don't we all remember those years? Years of growth, years of feeling awkward, friends coming and going - its rough! And it can also be a milestone in time that we learn the most. Lets face it, Junior High often comes with a reputation of its own, yet other than the 8th grade graduation, its often overlooked. Remember your own middle years? You were most likely very different from who you were your senior year and that growth should be captured and saved, just like senior year. Imaging looking back at your images from 8th grade and comparing them to your senior shoot- what thoughts and feeling would that evoke? Who were you in 8th grade, what were your hopes, anxieties, thoughts about your upcoming Freshman year?
We are excited to begin capturing and documenting their favorite hobbies, interests and details of who they are - still sort of child-like, yet quickly over-night becoming someone different on the first day of school in 9th grade.
Through the eyes of an 8th grader, what will your story tell? This last stop before high school, how have you navigated middle school's maze? Lessons and laughs, up and downs, lets capture this too-often overlooked milestone!
We are introducing the 8th grade experience this late winter-Spring 2025 - consider this a condensed version of a senior shoot- a 'short and sweet' compact shoot and priced as such. We bring all of our expertise and beautiful imagery and fun experience to our 8th graders, but on a more simplified note. We know how much our seniors look forward to our "senior experience" so we are bringing an offer to our 8th graders!!!! Book an 8th grade experience with us and receive $100 off your future Senior Experience with Sherry Janis Photography when you book your senior session with us!
When To Book? What To Bring?
For the upcoming 8th grade class of 2025, NOW is the time to book. There really isn't a whole lot of time left before graduation in May! Lets get you on the books and get to planning!
What will the sessions 'look like" since we don't have samples up yet? Have no fear, we have our FIRST 8th grade experience booked in just a few short weeks and we can't wait to showcase our first several sessions up on our website! Simply scroll through the 'senior' gallery and BLOGS. Our work speaks for itself and it doesn't change due to what age our client is- perhaps some of the poses will be more for an 8th grader, but the way we edit, shoot and create that we are known for will be the same for you! Perhaps some of your images will make it on the website- we can't wait to create beautiful images for you!
What should you bring?
Anything you would like to showcase- awards, a special pet, a letter board, signs or balloons even. Cap & Gown if your school does that for 8th grade. Favorite board game, books you read the list goes on! Sunglasses, hats, etc!